Charnice, In Her Own Words.
Charnice graduated from The SEED School of Washington, D.C. in 2008. She graduated from American University in 2012 with a degree in psychology. As a student at SEED, she played basketball, volleyball, and softball; she also studied abroad through the Greek Classics Program.
Describe your experience at SEED.
Transitioning to SEED from a public junior high school was a challenge. I found it especially difficult because I experienced a death in my immediate family. This experience definitely took a toll on me and weighed heavily on my decision to remain at SEED. However, Ms. Poole—who’s now the Foundation CEO—urged me to give the school a chance. I agreed to stay, and I ended up loving it. I formed great relationships with people that I’m still friends with today. I met my husband there; he graduated the same year as I did. The people at SEED assisted me so much through every step of my life. Even since I graduated, and it became my chance to fly on my own, they still check in with me regularly to make sure I am doing all right.
Charnice's friends from SEED DC came out to join her graduation celebration.
Share your personal and academic journey, post-SEED.
I’ve always been interested in education and passionate about working with kids. I love watching them grow, prosper and learn. Although I’m currently working with children who have disabilities, I’ve worked with all kinds of children, and I feel like it makes me a better person every day. I was recently accepted into the KIPP Capital Teaching Residency program. I felt like KIPP was a similar program to what SEED offers, so it hit home for me. Once I complete my remaining certification exams, I’ll be training to be a first grade teacher. Eventually I plan to go back and get my master’s degree, probably in education—that’s part of my five-year plan.
How did the College Transition & Success (CTS) team help you throughout your college experience?
While I was attending American University, Ms. Freedman and Ms. Allen helped me find scholarships, and they helped me with my financial aid package. Several family situations and financial troubles arose, which caused me to lose my tuition scholarship. Although it looked like I wasn’t going to graduate, they helped me figure out how to cover my costs to make sure I did. They’re like family. Without SEED and CTS, I wouldn’t be where I am today. They continue to support me, and I want to give them a huge thank you!
What are three adjectives that best describe you?
Loving, goofy, and charismatic.