Anscia, In Her Own Words.
Anscia graduated from The SEED School of Washington, DC in 2012 and from St. John's University in 2016. She recently completed a five-year, dual-degree program in Marketing at St. John’s University in New York, where she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees. While at SEED, Anscia was a captain of the volleyball and step teams, president of Model UN, a student ambassador, and a participant in the Greek Classics program.
What classes and experiences from SEED were most helpful in preparing for college?
My major is marketing, and SEED’s entrepreneurship elective really prepared me for that. We were responsible for the daily ins and outs of the SEED school store, including grant writing and budgets. The other experience that comes to mind was an extracurricular program my senior year called Networking for Teaching Entrepreneurship, where we created our own business plans. I learned a lot from that class—and I won all the in-class competitions. Because I won them, I went on to the state competition, which helped me learn even more about creating business plans. What I enjoyed the most about the process was the marketing, which convinced me to go to college as a marketing major.
Anscia and her advisor, Ms. Baker, at her graduation from St. John's University.
How has the College Transition & Success (CTS) team helped you throughout your college experience?
CTS has helped me a lot. They taught me to write letters of appeal for financial aid, and because of that guidance, I’ve been able to assist some of my friends with writing those as well. They’ve always taken the time to listen to me and give me advice. The letters of encouragement from the CTS advisers have been especially meaningful. I actually have all the cards I’ve received since freshman year—there are so many!—and I posted them all in my room. It is so nice to see them on my wall and know that my second family’s always thinking of me.
What do you do when you’re not in class—clubs/internships/sports, etc.?
I’ve been involved with about fifteen different activities since I started college. Currently, I’m the chapter president of the NAACP at my school. I’ve been involved with that for two and a half years, so I’ve gone to their state and national conventions. I’m also proud of being on my school’s step team. It’s been pretty cool—serving as captain and president, competing in competitions, coming in first place, traveling, and generally having fun. I was a student ambassador on campus too, because I wanted to give back to my school, like I did at SEED as a student ambassador.
What three adjectives best describe you?
Hardworking, bright, and creative.